Books I Read in College That Have Stuck With Me

A while ago, Stuck In The Book made a post that inspired this one. I graduated from college in 2012, and I was a late bloomer at that. Still, those years were incredibly formative to my personality, and the books I read (both for fun and as study) without a question, had some of the biggest impact on me as an individual than anything else at any other time of my life. I think a discussion could be made about wither or not the media you consume at certain points in your life have a bigger impact on you as an individual or not. (I think “yes,” a big resounding yes.) Part and Parcel to that is why College, I think, is so important for individual growth. Yes, that’s a hell of a debt to put yourself in if you’re “just” going to mature into a responsible adult, especially depending on where you live. But considering that this is supposed to be a light, fluff piece let’s not get into all that right now.

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